ACM International Systems
The ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (ISCC) is an ACM peer reviewed conference organized by ACM membership. This is an international professional conference organized and co-hosted by ACM. SYSTOR covers all facets of Computer Systems engineering. The first SYSTOR took place in October 2007.
The scope of this ACM International Systems and Storage Conference, although quite large, is quite wide. It covers different areas like networking, storage and servers, software product line, virtualization, and much more. There are many software product line conference such as the Splatter Conference, the Splitter and Clusterer conferences, and the Power Computing and Virtualization Conferences. All these are ACM recognized members of the International Systems and Storage Association.
The upcoming ACM splatter conference is scheduled to be held in the month of October. The host ACM has already confirmed that there will be a keynote speaker from the Opensuse project. Details of the keynote speaker can be found out on the ACM website. The keynote speaker will deliver a special session dealing with the upcoming software installations and delivering the first software product line presentation.
The ACM International Systems and Storage Conference will be dealing with the subject of the latest developments in the field of web application development. In the meantime the ACM has released its web site for the conference dates and times. The site contains full details of all the topics covered in the four separate conferences. There is a list of keynotes, breakout sessions, plenary speakers, and breakout panelists which have all been carefully selected to represent the different perspectives of the different organizers of the symposium. The schedule of the ACM International Systems and Storage Symposium has been worked out keeping in mind the scheduling of the different conventions which will take place across the globe in the year.
Special ACM Webinar: The third ACM International Systems and Storage Symposium are going to be held on the second weekend of march. The topic of this webinar is going to be “ACM Webinar: Computed infrastructure for the distributed environment”. This special webinar will be based on the “computation infrastructure for the distributed environment” concept. The webinar will be held jointly by the ACM’s Southeast Asia region and the Internet Engineering Lab of the University of California.
The topics which are planned for the ACM Webinar include “Defensive Computing: Defeating the Attacks on ACM CSPs” and “Social Networking – Building a Community of Practice”. These are the two most popular and upcoming ACM conferences. The other conferences, which are due to be held before the next ACM World Event in 2014, include “IT Expo – Social Networks and Offensive Technologies Workshop”, “Computing in Healthcare- Offensive Technologies workshop” and “Social Media Strategy and Research”. This all comes from the large distributed systems’ workshops, which are conducted worldwide in various cities during the second half of March.
The ACM International Systems and Storage Symposium will be held in Tokyo, Japan from the 16th through the 19th of June this year. The theme of this ACM International Systems and Storage Symposium is “Advanced Computing”. It will bring together a large range of professionals from around the world who have a deep understanding of network, storage and servers. This is the perfect venue for networking professionals such as system managers, network administrators, application developers, information security specialists, people who deal with security as well as networking professionals. This will be a great place for professionals to network together and share ideas. The ACM International Systems and Storage Symposium are also a good venue for educators and students attending the annual ACM Freelance Networking conference.
The ACM International Systems and Storage Symposium is a one day event and run for only one day, on the evening of the second day. It features over one hundred invited speakers, including many well-known researchers. The featured speaker for this year is Robbert Drinkware who will speak about the latest advances in data center architecture and management. This is a great opportunity for IT managers, systems administrators, system designers and other IT personnel from around the world to share ideas. This is the second meeting of the Washington DC chapter of the Systems Engineers.